Thursday, November 11, 2010

Delilah- 2 years

I've had the pleasure of watching this sweet little girl grow from a brand new "fresh to the world" babe to a cutie-pie toddler. It is hard to believe that two years have gone by since her birth! Where oh where did the time go?

Miss Delilah did an amazing job for her two year portraits. Doesn't she have one of those contagious smiles!?!


Elizabeth said...

O my gosh- the pictures turned out so fantastically (not that I'm surprised since we had such an awesome photographer and a daughter that cooperated)! I love them- thank you so much Ashley!

Future Marks Family said...

love the pic. she is getting so big. what a cutie

Now that you have had the opportunity to get to know a little about the girl behind the lens, I'd like to get to know a little about you. Comments, questions, and general chit chat are always welcome. Please enjoy the following photo shoot teasers of some pretty amazing people and beautiful subjects.

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