Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Connor!

Welcome to the winter doldrums. Yes, it is now February, and we still have a way to go before the grass turns green, the trees sprout leaves, and thawing begins. It has been quiet in the "blog-front", but not for lack of exciting happenings. While portrait work has slowed, engagement meetings are aplenty. Future brides and grooms are booking their dates for later this year and next year. I am very excited for the wedding line up to come, as I have the privilege to be working with some pretty amazing couples!

Don't forget to take advantage of my huge maternity/newborn special! From now until the end of March all maternity/newborn sessions are only $50! Yes, that would be $100 off!

And now for the latest:

One year ago the Wolfgang family proudly welcomed their third child into the world. Baby Connor James is now cruising his little diaper bottom around the house and taking a few steps here and there. Happy 1st Birthday, Connor. Wishing your second year to be filled with exciting milestones, and many new things to explore (and to get in to!)

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Now that you have had the opportunity to get to know a little about the girl behind the lens, I'd like to get to know a little about you. Comments, questions, and general chit chat are always welcome. Please enjoy the following photo shoot teasers of some pretty amazing people and beautiful subjects.

Thank you for considering Ashley Rawlings Photography for your creative needs!

Please visit my main site at: www.ashleyrawlingsphotography.com

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Ashley Rawlings
Giving Back.
Please click on the following links to find out more about these amazing organizations that I am honored to be affiliated with!
