Friday, April 9, 2010

Party of Five!

You've been asking... and asking... and asking some more. At long last they are here. Without further ado I'd like to introduce you to five beautiful, bouncing, three month old... baby boys!

Meet Micah, Ian, Sawyer, Wesley, and Travis. I bet you are wondering if I can even tell them apart. Well, sure I can! All five boys are very different mannered with different personalities all their own. All five boys look relatively different as well. We started off the shoot with Micah who was wide eyed and ready for action the entire time. Next we moved on to Wesley. He was the only baby I had sleeping for any length of time during their session. Then there a quick run at some group shots before feeding time. If you are wondering, Mom & Dad do have helpers! Lucky me got to join in on the feeding and changing fun with Micah (he and I are buddies now!) Afterward, we moved on to Ian, the littlest guy in the bunch. Like most of his other brothers, he was completely awake and ready to take on the world. Fourth was Sawyer. This kid's hair absolutely thrilled me. With this little "Elvis" like flip in the front and those chubby cheeks, I am certain he will be breaking some hearts! Last but not least was Travis. Mr. Travis was the one who decided I had it way too easy with the first four. He was right. Five babies in four hours. Not too bad! To wrap thing us we gathered all the boys and their big sister for some group shots and outside ones of Eliana.

Was this shoot as hectic as I pictured? Truthfully speaking, no. These six kiddos have two amazing parents with one awesome structured schedule laid out. I was big time impressed!

From left to right:
Ian, Sawyer, Wesley, Travis, and Micah


beechmoma said...

Ashley you should never doubt your talent or artistic ability, it is so amazing. I am constantly amazed at the work you do...and proud to call you my daughter-in-law! I love you.

Anonymous said...

These are amazing and I expected such! This has to be a once in a lifetime experience for you! I love it and them!
Linda Smith

Now that you have had the opportunity to get to know a little about the girl behind the lens, I'd like to get to know a little about you. Comments, questions, and general chit chat are always welcome. Please enjoy the following photo shoot teasers of some pretty amazing people and beautiful subjects.

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